Three Central Guidelines for Planning for Puppy Vaccinations

Posted on: 2 April 2019

Canine vaccines are designed and made to protect dogs from dangerous diseases. In general, vaccination involves introducing special antigens into the dog. These antigens stimulate the formation of antibodies in the body for defence. Therefore, if some disease-causing microorganisms are introduced into the dog in the future, the canine immune system will be capable of defending against the illness. Without vaccination, your dog will be vulnerable to fatal diseases. If you have a puppy for the first time, consider these simple planning guidelines for proper vaccination.

Understand Core Vaccines

You should know the critical vaccines for dogs when planning for puppy vaccinations. Core vaccines are considered indispensable because there is a high risk of exposure. Also, the specific diseases are highly dangerous with a significant likelihood for fatality after infections. In addition, core vaccines are crucial for diseases which are highly communicable among dogs and can be spread to other species. You should inquire about any mandatory vaccines for dogs, according to local laws or regulations. In general, it is essential to shield against distemper, parvovirus and adenovirus.

Consider Non-Core Vaccines

You should not only protect your puppy from core diseases. In simple terms, there are some infectious diseases which affect dogs, but they are not considered core because the disease does not affect all dogs. Typically, only a specific group of dogs might be affected. Typically, the vulnerability of your dog to some disease will depend on factors like environment, age, breed and travel habits. If your dog will be exposed to conditions which could lead to an infection, you should take precautions by vaccinating. For instance, you might want to vaccinate your dog against kennel cough and influenza if the dog is in a high-risk environment.

Think About Boosting

You should not have your puppy vaccinated once and then forget all about infectious diseases. Vaccinations will not provide long-term protection if they are not reinforced. Simply speaking, a vaccination will only be effective for a certain period of time before it loses its protective power. If your dog is exposed to the disease after this period, it will be difficult for the dog to fight off the illness. Therefore, you should ask your veterinarian about the optimal canine vaccination schedule, including a plan for booster shots. This will ensure long-term protection.

When your canine pet is vaccinated, you should plan on monitoring the condition for the following period. There might be some mild side effects which will be short-lived. If there are serious adverse reactions, consult a veterinarian who provides animal vaccinations
