How to Leash Train Your Cat in 5 Steps

Posted on: 22 July 2021
Leash training your cat has many, many benefits. Wearing a leash ensures your cat gets some exercise and fresh air, all while making it easy for you to keep track of them and their safety. Your cat is also less likely to be attacked by other animals or get injured by cars while wearing a leash since you'll be in control of their movements. As a result, your cat will be happy that they aren't stuck inside all day while still being safe under your care.
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4 Facts You Need to Know to Keep Your Dog Safe From Food Poisoning

Posted on: 6 April 2021
Every dog owner wants nothing more than to keep their furry friend safe, secure, and protected. That's why it's important to stay up to date on common canine health problems — including food poisoning. Here's everything you need to know to keep your dog safe from food poisoning. 1. What causes food poisoning in dogs? Dog food poisoning is most commonly caused by ingesting spoiled or tainted meat, chicken, fish, or dairy.
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Grass, Soil, Poison: Why Does Your Dog Eat Things They Shouldn't?

Posted on: 29 December 2020
Anyone who makes the decision to welcome a dog into their family will know (or will quickly learn) that not all their possessions will survive. Whether it's a shoe, or a curious pooch ripping open the sofa cushions to see what's inside, dogs have a tendency to chew on things they shouldn't. This behaviour can be corrected with training, but it's a different story when your dog actually begins to eat things that they shouldn't.
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Three Fundamental Tips for Planning for Your Dog's Surgery

Posted on: 7 August 2020
If your veterinarian has recommended a surgical procedure for your canine pet, you should prepare adequately for the process. In general, it is advisable to deal with most medical conditions without invasive work because of the risks and long recovery period. Still, surgeries are often essential for managing disease and even reproductive capacity which could endanger pets. Often, the prospect of a beloved pet going through this type of procedure can be frightening.
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