Veganism for Dogs: Sensible, Harmless or Irresponsible?

Posted on: 4 August 2019
Each year, more and more Australians are choosing to become vegan, and Australia is in fact the third fastest growing vegan market in the world. It's up to the individual to consider the various environmental and ethical implications of consuming animal products before making their own choice. Do you know who can't make that choice? Your dog. Your pooch is a domesticated animal, and so they eat precisely what pet food you give them.
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Three Central Guidelines for Planning for Puppy Vaccinations

Posted on: 2 April 2019
Canine vaccines are designed and made to protect dogs from dangerous diseases. In general, vaccination involves introducing special antigens into the dog. These antigens stimulate the formation of antibodies in the body for defence. Therefore, if some disease-causing microorganisms are introduced into the dog in the future, the canine immune system will be capable of defending against the illness. Without vaccination, your dog will be vulnerable to fatal diseases. If you have a puppy for the first time, consider these simple planning guidelines for proper vaccination.
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5 Things You Should Know About Vet Surgery

Posted on: 19 September 2018
One of the hardest moments for pet owners is when their pets have to go in for vet surgery. They feel helpless as do not know how to prepare their pets for the medical procedure, nor do they know what will happen in the operating room. If your pet is to be operated on, below are a few things you should know. 1. Pet hygiene During the operation day and the subsequent days, it may be difficult to clean your pet as it will have unhealed wounds.
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Understanding Salmonella Infection In Guinea Pigs

Posted on: 26 March 2018
Salmonella is a bacterial infection that's usually contracted through contact with infected bedding, urine or faeces. Bedding contaminated with insects or the urine of wild rodents is a common cause of infection in guinea pigs, and those with immature digestive systems or a compromised immune system are particularly susceptible to contracting salmonella. The salmonella bacteria can also be found on raw vegetables, so ensure you thoroughly clean any vegetables you want to feed to your guinea pig.
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